As part of the informal process, property owners who file a protest have the opportunity to discuss their evidence with a TCAD appraiser. There will only be one informal meeting with a TCAD appraiser per property.
The purpose of an informal meeting is to discuss a protest on a property’s market value. Questions regarding exemptions and applications should be directed to our customer service department.
These meetings will occur by phone or videoconference. Property owners may schedule informal meetings for a specific date and time using their online portal. Property owners must check in for their meeting on the portal at their scheduled time. The portal may also be used to cancel or reschedule meetings if needed. Property owners who do not have a portal account or who do not wish to schedule their meetings for a specific date and time can get in line for the day’s queue. Our system will update property owners on wait times and login instructions via email and text message updates.
Ready to speak with a TCAD appraiser about your protest? Use the checklist below to find out:
Schedule a date and time for your informal meeting. A portal login is required.
Ready to have your informal meeting today? Get in line for today’s queue. No portal login required.
Contact us or check out the videos below to learn more about navigating the protest process through our online portal.
Double click a video to watch it in full-screen mode.
Set Up Your Online Portal
Add Your Properties
File Your Protest
Submit Your Evidence
Review TCAD’s Evidence
Review, Accept, or Reject Your Offer
Schedule Your Informal Meeting Through the Portal
Check In and Attend Your Meetings Through the Portal
Schedule and Attend Your Meetings – No Portal
Your protest will be dismissed if you do not appear in person, through a valid affidavit, by agent, or by pre-scheduled telephone hearing. You may request that the ARB Chairperson reopen the hearing by sending a letter within 4 days of your scheduled hearing citing the good cause reason for failure to appear.
In-person hearings are conducted at the Travis Central Appraisal District office located at 850 E Anderson Lane. The hearing letter you receive will have specific instructions regarding the location of your hearing.
The Appraisal Review Board (ARB) sets protest hearing schedules. You will receive a notice of protest hearing letter by general mail at least 15 days before the scheduled formal hearing date. Included with that letter will be a copy of Property Taxpayer’s Remedies (a publication of the State Comptroller’s Office), a copy of the ARB hearing procedures, and a statement that you have the right to inspect the information that the Appraisal District plans to introduce at your hearing.
Please bring your hearing letter to expedite the check in process. You should also bring any information that you want to present to support the value you think is correct. Bring 5 sets of the evidence to the formal hearing.
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Check out our Frequently Asked Question library or contact us for more information.