Homestead Exemptions2025-03-17T14:19:23-05:00


A homestead exemption is a legal provision that can help you pay less taxes on your home. If you own and occupy your home, you may be eligible for the general residential homestead exemption. Exemptions are also available for disabled veterans, seniors over the age of 65, people with qualifying disabilities, and some surviving spouses. Click here to view a list of Travis County taxing entities and their exemptions.

If you have any questions about exemptions or need help completing your application, please contact our new Exemption Helpline during normal business hours at (512) 873-1560.


Exemption applications can be submitted by mail, online, or at our office:

850 East Anderson Lane
Austin, TX 78752

Action on your application will occur within 90 days from the date it is received. In the event that you do not qualify, you will be notified and offered an opportunity to protest this decision.

To learn more about a homestead exemption, click an item below:

A general residential homestead exemption is available to taxpayers who own and reside at a property as of January 1st of the year. To apply for this exemption, taxpayers must submit a completed application along with a driver’s license or state-issued personal ID certificate that has the same address as the property they are applying for the exemption on. In limited circumstances, property owners may be eligible to claim an exemption as early as their move-in date if the property’s previous owner did not have an exemption on the property and the new owner is not already claiming an exemption for the tax year.

An over 65 exemption is available to property owners the year they become 65 years old. This exemption also limits the amount of school taxes you will pay every year by establishing a tax ceiling, also known as a tax freeze. Your school taxes will not increase above the tax ceiling as long as you do not add any improvements such as a garage or pool to your home. If you do add improvements to your home, the tax ceiling can increase. Tax ceilings are mandatory for school districts, however a county, city, or junior college may also limit taxes for individuals with this exemption if the governing body adopts a tax ceiling. Click here for a list of tax entities and the exemptions they have adopted.

If you are an over 65 homeowner and purchase or move into a different home in Texas, you may also transfer the same percentage of tax paid to a new qualified homestead. This is known as a ceiling transfer (Request to Cancel/Port Exemptions). It is possible to transfer your tax ceiling for county, city, or junior college taxes if they have adopted a tax ceiling and you move to another home within the same taxing unit.

If a homeowner claiming this exemption passes away and their spouse is 55 or older and continues to own the home, the spouse can continue to hold the exemptions and tax ceiling on the property.

To apply for this exemption, individuals must submit an application and proof of age. Acceptable proof includes a copy of the front side of your Texas driver’s license or Texas identification card. Surviving spouses must provide proof of age of the survivor and proof of death of the deceased spouse.

Any person who meets the Social Security Administration’s standards for disability may be eligible for a special homestead exemption. This means that a person has a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that prevents them from engaging in any substantial gainful activity and the impairment is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death. A person who receives disability benefits under the Federal Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Program could qualify.

Similar to the exemption available for people over 65, an exemption for a person with disabilities provides for a tax ceiling for school taxes. If you receive this exemption and purchase or move into a different home in Texas, you may also transfer the same percentage of tax paid to a new qualified homestead. This is known as a ceiling transfer (Request to Cancel/Port Exemptions). It is possible to transfer your tax ceiling for county, city, or junior college taxes if they have adopted a tax ceiling and you move to another home within the same taxing unit.

If a homeowner claiming this exemption passes away and their spouse is 55 or older and continues to own the home, the spouse can continue to hold the exemptions and tax ceiling on the property.

To apply, you must submit an application and include documentation of your disability. Documents can include a current copy of your disability determination issued by the Social Security Administration.

A disabled veteran who receives 100% disability compensation due to a service connected disability and a rating of 100% disabled or of individual unemployability from the Department of Veterans Affairs can receive an exemption from taxation of the total appraised value of the veteran’s qualifying residence homestead. To apply, individuals must submit an application and current documentation from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Surviving spouses of veterans who qualified for the 100% Disabled Veteran Exemption or who would have qualified for it at the time of their death are eligible if the surviving spouse has not remarried, the property was the surviving spouse’s residence homestead at the time of the veteran’s death, and the property remains the surviving spouse’s qualifying residence homestead. To apply, individuals must submit an application and supporting documentation.

Texas law provides partial exemptions for property owned by veterans who are disabled. The exemption amount is determined by the percentage of service-connected disability. To qualify, you must be a veteran, a Texas resident, and be classified as disabled with a service connected disability of 10% or more by your service branch or the Veterans Administration. The amount of the exemption may vary from $5,000 to $12,000 depending on documentation from the VA. A disabled veteran who is 65 years of age or older, is blind in one or both eyes, or has lost the use of one or both limbs, may qualify for the maximum exemption of $12,000 regardless of the disability percentage awarded by the Veterans Administration. To apply, individuals must submit an application and documentation from the Department of Veterans Affairs indicating the percent of disability awarded.

A surviving spouse may qualify for this exemption if they are a Texas resident and have not remarried.

Texas law provides partial exemptions for property owned by veterans who are disabled and who own and occupy homes that have been donated by a charitable organization. The exemption amount is determined by the percentage of service-connected disability. To qualify, you must be a veteran, a Texas resident, and be classified as disabled with a service connected disability of 10% or more by your service branch or the Veterans Administration. To apply, individuals must submit an application and documentation from the Department of Veterans Affairs indicating the percent of disability awarded.

A surviving spouse may qualify for this exemption if they are a Texas resident and have not remarried.

The surviving spouse of a member of the U.S. armed services who is killed in action is allowed a 100% property tax exemption on a residence homestead if they have not remarried. To apply, individuals must submit an application, a Report of Casualty, and a copy of your marriage license.

The surviving spouse of a first responder killed in the line of duty is eligible for a 100% property tax exemption on a residence homestead if they have not remarried. To apply, individuals must submit an application, documentation that the spouse was killed in the line of duty, and a copy of your marriage license.

Exemption Helpline 512-873-1560


Visit our forms library to download related documents.


What is a homestead exemption?2020-10-29T20:18:54-05:00

A homestead exemption lowers your property taxes by removing part of the value of your property from taxation. There are several different types of homestead exemption, including the general residence homestead exemption and exemptions for seniors, people and veterans with disabilities, and some surviving spouses.

Do I have to apply for a homestead exemption every year?2024-09-16T08:58:11-05:00

You do not have to reapply for a homestead exemption unless the Chief Appraiser requests a new application in writing, you move to a new residence, or your qualifications for an exemption change.

State law requires an appraisal district to audit our exemption records every five years. If the District needs more information to confirm you benefits should continue, you may be asked to reapply.

I just purchased my home. When can I apply for a homestead exemption?2022-06-27T10:09:48-05:00

To qualify for a homestead exemption, you must own and occupy the property on which you are applying.  If you recently purchased a home, you may submit the form now and the homestead will be applied to the year in which you qualify.

Can I claim a homestead exemption on a mobile home if I do not own the land?2020-11-20T15:02:10-06:00

Yes. Please include a copy of your title to the mobile home or a verified copy of your purchase contract along with your exemption form.

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