The Travis Central Appraisal District is committed to open and transparent governance in order to be held accountable to Travis County taxpayers.
The information below is intended to assist taxpayers in learning more about the District’s structure and decision-making framework.
Additional information on the Comptroller’s Transparency Stars Program can be found at Transparency Stars (
The Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD) is governed by a Board of Directors that is responsible for hiring the Chief Appraiser, approving the TCAD budget, approving contracts, and setting general policies. The Board does not appraise property or review property values.
The Board is comprised of 9 individuals: 5 elected by Travis County taxing entities, 3 elected by Travis County taxpayers, and the Travis County Assessor Collector. Members elected by the taxing entities are nominated and voted on in the fall and winter of each year. Each taxing entity may adopt their own process for nominating and voting on members. Members elected by the taxpayers are voted on in the November general election. Detailed information on filing deadlines and required documents is available online.
The Board of Directors meets at least once each calendar quarter. All meetings are held in the board room of the Travis Central Appraisal District (850 East Anderson Lane), unless the Board designates a different location. A copy of the Board’s General Policies and Procedures for Public Access is available online. Meetings are broadcast online as a courtesy and available on our website within one business day of the conclusion of the meeting. All meetings are available to the public online for a minimum of 365 days after being posted.
To contact the Board of Directors, email [email protected] or call 512-834-9317.
The Board does not have authority to handle customer service matters. Inquiries may be forwarded to Betty Thompson, Taxpayer Liaison Officer, for review.
Jett Hanna
Place 1
Expires 12/31/26
Shenghao Daniel Wang
Place 2
Expires 12/31/26
Dick Lavine
Place 3
Expires 12/31/26
Review previous board meetings to find agendas, board documents, and recordings prior to August 2022
The documents below provide additional information on the rules and regulations governing the Travis Central Appraisal District.
Texas Open Meetings Act Handbook
Public Information Act Handbook
Additional documents, including our annual reports, budgets, reappraisal plans, certification data, and energy usage can be found on our public information page.
Any documents not listed on our website can be obtained by filing a public information request.
The Travis Central Appraisal District is led by the Chief Appraiser. Staff exist across numerous departments, including customer service, GIS, Information Technology, Administration, Legal and Appeals, Residential, Commercial, Appraisal Support, and Business Personal Property.