Does the requirement that “the owner of the equipment shall state the amount of the unit property tax assigned as a separate line item on an invoice” apply to sales?
Changes to Section 23.1241(b) include this new sentence: “The owner [...]
Changes to Section 23.1241(b) include this new sentence: “The owner [...]
Yes, the heavy equipment and attachments are sold or rented [...]
Section 23.1241(a)(6) defines “heavy equipment” as “any item of equipment [...]
No, these exclusions all deal with sales of heavy equipment; [...]
If the dealer is selling the used equipment to the [...]
No, excess funds are carried over to the next tax [...]
Yes, a heavy equipment dealer is required to render all [...]
It depends on how the transaction is written. If the [...]
Section 23.1241(a)(1) defines “dealer” as a “person engaged in the [...]
Yes, interest payment can be deducted. Section 23.1241(a)(7) states that [...]