ARB Meeting to Determine Taxpayer and Taxing Unit Appeals
Notice is hereby given that the Travis Appraisal Review Board will convene at 7:50 AM. on the following days in September of 2023. Hearings will be conducted via telephone and in-person at above address.
Monday, September 11
The Appraisal Review Board will be in session on other days, notice for which will be duly posted, until all tax appraisals have been equalized and approved and all timely appeals heard and resolved.
This notice is given pursuant to The Texas Government code, TEX GOV. CODE CHAPTER 551.
The Travis Appraisal Review Board is committed to compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Please call 834-9317 extension 313 for more information. For a sign language interpreter, please call at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.